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FASEP in Senegal: off we go!

Catégories : All | Company | Greentech

12 March 2024

15 February 2024 marks an important date for Senegal, and for Be Energy, which specialises in regeneration technologies. As guest of honour at the FASEP ceremony in Dakar, the French company is playing a key role in the fight against environmental challenges in Senegal.

This symbolic day highlighted Be Energy’s key role in setting up a pioneering initiative aimed at initiating a regeneration process for hydraulic and engine oils.

FASEP invest in Senegal

Working closely with the Senegalese Ministry of the Environment, the Senegalese Department of the Environment and Classified Establishments (DEEC) and the Regional Centre for the Basel and Stockholm Conventions in West Africa (CRCBS-AF), oil regeneration promises to have a significant impact on the Senegalese economy, environment and society.


The FASEP objectives in Senegal : a reminder

The FASEP project in Senegal, led by Be Energy with financial support from the French Treasury, is an innovative initiative in the field of the circular economy and sustainable development.

The main objective of this project is to launch a regeneration process for engine and hydraulic oils throughout the country. This is being done in close collaboration with the Senegalese Ministry of the Environment and the Senegalese Department of the Environment and Classified Establishments (DEEC).

The project aims to double the life of used oils using advanced regeneration technologies, symbolised by the ORV6-T500-DUO machine designed by Be Energy. In addition to the technical aspects, this initiative also involves raising awareness of the ecological and economic importance of regeneration.

By moving a technological demonstrator to several Senegalese towns, selected in agreement with the Ministry of the Environment, the project aims to educate and raise awareness among local populations of the environmental and economic benefits of this sector.

The FASEP project is also a vehicle for local economic development. The Be Energy Senegal subsidiary has already established relationships with local customers such as Senico and Patisen. The project is helping to create skilled jobs, as demonstrated by the recruitment and training of six young Senegalese, reinforcing the country’s commitment to green and sustainable employment.


Senegal faces major environmental challenges

In Senegal, environmental issues are now a priority. As part of its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), the country aims to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 5% to 29% by 2030, through mitigation and adaptation strategies. This involves better waste management and improved energy efficiency.

In this context, the management of lead-acid batteries and used oils represents a major challenge, with around half of batteries recycled in the traditional way and only a quarter of used oils collected, with one litre of oil having the potential to contaminate up to 10,000 m² of water surface. These challenges underline the importance of a more rigorous and sustainable environmental approach.

Did you know ? 1 tonne of regenerated oil saves 3 tonnes of CO2.


Collaboration and economic impact

The success of FASEP is based on close collaboration between different entities. Companies such as SOCOCIM, SIMPA and TIS SA, all aware of the need to regenerate hydraulic and/or engine oils, have shown a keen interest in the solutions proposed.

These interactions, at the end of the ceremony in Dakar, testify to the positive economic impact of the project, offering less costly and more ecological alternatives to Senegalese consumers and companies.


Awareness-raising and training: towards a sustainable future

As well as the technology, Be Energy is committed to raising awareness of the economic and ecological benefits of regeneration. The meeting with local economic players and training organisations after the official ceremony on 15 February underlines this commitment.

By training six young Senegalese people in regeneration skills and raising awareness of ecological practices among local populations, Be Energy is actively contributing to environmental education and advancing the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

The launch of the FASEP project is a pivotal initiative in the fight against environmental problems in Senegal. By combining technological innovation, international collaboration and local awareness-raising, it is paving the way for a greener, more sustainable future for Senegal and many of its neighbours.

Be Energy India

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