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BE ENERGY wins Initiative Terres de Vaucluse’s audacity award

Catégories : All | Awards | Company | Greentech | Innovation

28 January 2020

The end of 2019 ended on a high note for Be Energy! At the OSE ENTREPRENDRE awards evening organised by Terres de Vaucluse, the world leader in regeneration was awarded the Audacity prize.

Be Energy’s R&D programme rewarded

The award to Be Energy recognises its ambitious research and development programme launched in 2019 to make the digital transition of its battery regeneration process. More than €500k will be allocated to improving the battery regeneration process, as well as integrating an intranet platform for intermachine communication, machine learning, diagnostic assistance, monitoring, etc., all controlled by a server to enable remote control. An R&D programme dedicated to the regeneration of lithium batteries has also been launched in partnership with the CEA (Liten de Grenoble). Initiative Terres de Vaucluse has granted a series of equity loans totalling €50k to support this ambitious programme, which should create several engineering jobs in the field of battery regeneration early this year. Many thanks to Terres de Vaucluse for this assistance, which will enable us to get 2020 off to a flying start!

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