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A new battery regeneration centre on the French island of Réunion

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6 December 2021

A new battery regeneration centre has just opened near Saint-Denis on the island of Réunion. On this island in the Mascareignes archipelago, the dynamic economy offers great opportunities in terms of batteries. A new adventure begins…

The specific features of the battery regeneration centre on Reunion Island

The new battery regeneration centre on La Réunion will focus on several major areas:

  • The regeneration of traction batteries in the world of materials handling, warehousing and the supply chain;
  •  The regeneration of stationary batteries, which are widely used on isolated off-grid sites and on sensitive back-up sites;
  • The regeneration of starter batteries, used in all vehicles on the island of Réunion, as well as in machinery and other generators.


An appropriate response to the problem of battery recycling on Reunion Island

With no appropriate recycling facilities, Réunion is making a major effort to collect used batteries, particularly with a view to protecting the environment.

The starter battery regeneration service will be preceded by a specific pre-selection process, using an exclusive test terminal based on Be Energy technology. These tests will ensure that only batteries that can be regenerated are collected, so that regeneration success rates of over 95% can be achieved.

The machines used, the BRT Maxi Gold regenerators, are each capable of regenerating 70 batteries a day. This figure promises excellent financial prospects for the operator.

An interesting solution for economic players and the environment

The commercial offer that Réunion’s players are facing is considered to be timely, since it offers :

  • A cost-effective alternative for end-users, with savings of 50% compared with new batteries;
  • An opportunity to improve margins for battery resellers, who are only buying a service;
  • A massive reduction in hazardous waste on Reunion Island;
  • La réduction de l’empreinte carbone, la régénération étant 50 à 70 fois moins carbonée que le recyclage des batteries.    A reduction in the carbon footprint, as regeneration is 50 to 70 times less carbon-intensive than battery recycling. To find out more, click here.
  • Creating new jobs as part of a sustainable circular economy;
  • The fight against programmed obsolescence and territorial resilience in critical metals.

Long live this new company with a promising future in battery regeneration on Réunion!

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