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UBC (Univers Business CHAD) leader in battery regeneration in Chad

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28 May 2021

Set up more than 2 years ago in Ndjamena, the UBC- BATTERIE PLUS battery regeneration centre is enjoying great success in the world of stationary batteries.

The number of batteries in Ndjamena is considerable for two reasons:

  • Back-up requirements for industrial, institutional and administrative customers in the event of power cuts.
  • Off-grid solar installations are on the increase, given the country’s considerable solar potential.

The UBC-Batterie Plus regeneration centre in Ndjamena is equipped with 3 BRT Maxi Gold battery regenerators and 2 standardised discharge benches. This equipment can treat all types of batteries, whatever their capacity.

Huge potential for battery regeneration in Chad

In Chad, the telecommunications battery market currently accounts for a large proportion of UBC’s turnover. Two major operators have already placed their trust in UBC- Batterie Plus:

  • AIRTEL Chad
  • SOTEL Chad.

The batteries in place are mainly GEL 2v batteries of the OPZV600 type with 900Ah.

The regeneration workshop in Ndjamena processes 300 to 450 batteries per month. This represents a processing capacity of 20 sites per month!

Given the country’s solar installation programmes, the battery regeneration market in Chad has a bright future ahead of it.

Overview of the benefits of battery regeneration

Battery regeneration is above all :

  • A cost-effective alternative for the end user, who pays 50 to 60% less than for new batteries
  • Unrivalled responsiveness, since the service is immediate and there’s no need to wait for delivery of any kind
  • The fight against programmed obsolescence
  • Massive reduction in hazardous and polluting industrial waste
  • The creation of new jobs as part of a virtuous circular economy
  • Reducing the carbon footprint, as regenerated batteries are 50 times less carbon-intensive than recycled or new batteries
  • Increasing the country’s territorial resilience

Well done to UBC Chad for joining the group of the most dynamic regeneration centres in the Batterie Plus network in Africa!

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