
Logo Be Energy Sénégal

Be Energy Senegal:

Specialist in battery and oil regeneration in Senegal

Be Energy Filiale Sénégal

Be Energy Senegal

A subsidiary of the Be Energy network since July 2022, Be Energy Sénégal owns 6 machines dedicated to battery regeneration, as well as a hydraulic and engine oil regenerator.

The Be Energy Senegal subsidiary promotes the new battery and oil regeneration businesses and the positive environmental impact of these solutions.

Our regeneration solutions are available to all businesses, public and private, in Senegal and neighboring regions, including Dakar, as well as the port and airport.

Be Energy Filiale Sénégal

Be Energy Senegal team

The benefits of regeneration

Preserving natural resources

You save our country’s natural resources by avoiding the production of new batteries and the extraction of raw materials.

50% less expensive

Reduce your operating costs with regeneration. A more economical option than buying new batteries or oil.

50% less waste

By regenerating your batteries and oils, you reduce the amount of waste associated with their disposal. Regeneration allows reuse without change of use.

50 to 70 times less carbon

The manufacture and recycling of new batteries and oils is associated with significant CO2 emissions. By reusing your oils and batteries, you reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

We regenerate :
Batteries – plomb, NiCd, lithium
Huiles – hydraulics and motor








Hybrid vehicle




Our maintenance contracts

Regeneration in our workshops

Regeneration in your fleet

How Be Energy Senegal
regenerate your lead-acid batteries?

Be Energy has designed and developed technologies 8 to 10 times superior to the most advanced regenerators available on the market.

Our lead-acid battery regeneration process involves sending controlled high-power electrical impulses that will, little by little, break up the crystalline mass formed by the lead sulfate.

The latter, in turn, will electrolyze again to reconstitute the battery electrodes and its sulfuric acid concentration..

Guaranteed performance like new

Sulfate de plomb avant génération

Lead sulfate
before regeneration

Lead sulfate
after regeneration

Be Energy Sénégal

BRT: Lead battery regenerator

Be Energy Sénégal

Maintenance on a traction battery

Be Energy Sénégal

BDX: Discharge bench (measures battery capacity)

How does Be Energy Senegal
regenerate your oils?

Be Energy Sénégal

Team Be Energy with the oil regenerator

1. In-depth diagnosis: Our technicians carefully analyze your used oil to establish a precise diagnosis of its condition.

2. Multi-pass regeneration : Your oil goes through several stages of treatment within our high-performance regenerator, effectively removing sludge, particles and water.

3. Additivation : To optimize the performance of your regenerated oil, our technicians add specific additives at the end of the process.

4. Quality control : A sample of your regenerated oil is sent to a laboratory for in-depth analysis, ensuring its compliance with the strictest quality standards.

Regeneration, the environmental solution for Senegal

The opening of this regeneration center in Dakar, in the heart of West Africa is crucial.
As Dakar is the most polluted city in Senegal, with contamination levels 18 times higher than normal, it’s time to act to preserve the environment.

Be Energy Sénégal offers innovative, economical and sustainable solutions to all professionals in: logistics, transport, industry, telecommunications, photovoltaics, aeronautics….
The location of this center will enable us to respond effectively to the needs of these industries.

Be Energy Senegal offers a reuse solution with no change of use, and fights against programmed obsolescence and environmental pollution.

This regeneration center will give all Senegalese access to the benefits of reuse, preserving the environment while promoting a local economy by offering new trades.

Be Energy Sénégal

Pollution of DAKAR beach – Source:

Be Energy Sénégal

DAKAR – Source: Pixabay

Be Energy Sénégal

Présentation de la machine de régénération d’huiles lors de la cérémonie

Be Energy Senegal on Walf TV 13h for the launch ceremony of the “Regen System” project

Projet Regen System – FASEP

Guests at the presentation ceremony, which took place on February 15, 2024, included the economic department of the French Embassy in Dakar, represented by Mr Morchoine, Mr Ndiaye, Director of the DEEC (Direction de l’Environnement et des Etablissements Classés), the Senegalese Ministry of the Environment, and Mr Niang, Regional Director of the Basel and Stockholm Conventions. The event was also attended by key prospects such as Mr Moutarda Diallo, Managing Director of the Soccocim cement plant, and Ms Balai Saukho Ndoye, Managing Director of TIS SA, the Senegalese hydrocarbon transport company.

Read FASEP in Senegal

Case study:
Traction battery regeneration

Be Energy Senegal worked with SIMPA in April and May 2024 on a maintenance contract to regenerate 24V 775 AH traction batteries from a STIL forklift truck.

Thanks to our regeneration technologies, which are superior to those available on the market, we were able to regenerate these batteries in just 4 hours, recovering a capacity of 95%.

SIMPA intervention sheet:

  • Intervention date: April 16 and May 27, 2024
  • Type of batteries: traction 24 V 5PZS 775 AH
  • Number of batteries: 3
  • Truck type: STILL
  • Recovered capacity: 95%
Be Energy Sénégal

Maintenance on a SIMPA traction battery

They trust us


Be Energy Senegal has been regenerating your batteries at its Diamaguene site since August 1, 2022. Equipped with 2 Maxi Gold regenerators and a QTK terminal, we can regenerate all your lead-acid batteries: starter, traction and stationary..


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Be Energy
Dimaguene Diacksao Tivaoune
KM 16 route de Rufisque,
T. +221 33 834 48 21


Battery regeneration
Design and manufacture of the most efficient battery regenerators on the market
Oil regeneration
Restore oils to their original properties by removing residues and water
Engine regeneration
Innovative operator in engine and particle filter regeneration