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Toyota Avignon goes for battery regeneration

Catégories : All | Company | Greentech | Innovation | Technology

8 July 2021

Toyota Avignon has joined forces with the Batterie Plus team for a joint operation to demonstrate its eco-responsible approach and its confidence in the company. Destination regeneration!

Replacing the tired battery in a Toyota Prius

After 12 years on the road and more than 250,000 km driven, the Prius of our customer, Toyota Avignon, was showing signs of fatigue, particularly in its battery, which needed replacing. A tired battery in this type of vehicle means higher fuel consumption.
Replacing the NiMH battery in a Toyota Prius presents two major problems: a) the price of the battery and b) the environmental impact of such a decision.
After discussions with the Batterie Plus technician, replacing the battery in the Toyota Prius was seen as the best solution, both in terms of cost and environmental impact.

Toyota Avignon and Batterie Plus: a partnership that works!

At the Toyota & Lexus Avignon branch, the NiMHbattery regeneration solution for the Toyota Prius was welcomed as an economical and ecological solution. The regenerated NiMH battery was placed in the vehicle in a designated work area, where the technicians made the connections and followed a standard battery regeneration process. The ancillary parts were cleaned before all the components were put back into the vehicle. A final test enabled the Batterie Plus team to validate the NiMH battery regeneration solution, giving the Toyota Prius a new lease of life.
A specialist in NiMH batteries, Batterie Plus, a Be Energy brand, wanted to highlight the possibility of finding optimum solutions for partners such as the local Toyota dealer.

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